NIOD Rewind Podcast
New: episode 39
In recent years, several far-right parties espousing nationalist, anti-immigrant, and Eurosceptic ideas have garnered significant support. Despite their nationalist ideologies, these contemporary far-right movements have demonstrated a surprising capacity for international cooperation. Anne van Mourik interviews Martin Hamre, a historian of fascism at the Freie Universität Berlin about this topic. What are some earlier examples of fascist internationalism? How did fascist ideas spread through international conferences and cooperation in the 1930s? What insights does Hamre's research provide for understanding the contemporary European far right?
Curious for more?
Read Martin Hamre's blog post on 'Traitors to the Fatherland? Historical Perspectives on the Patriotic Predicament of Fascism and the Far Right'. And read an (open access) article Martin Hamre co-wrote with Sabrina Proschmann and Frederik Forrai Ørskov, 'Approaches to Transnational and International Fascism: Actors, Networks, and Ideas, 1919–1945, which appeared in Fascism. Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies.
Not sure what to listen next? Take a look at some of our favorites:
- Episode 4: Negotiating Displacement (13-02-2020)
- Episode 14: The Problems of Genocide (21-04-2021)
- Episode 19: Political Apologies across Cultures (21-02-2022)
- Episode 25: What is ‘Violence’? Debates and Directions (29-08-2022)
- Episode 26: Bones of Contention: the Vietnam-American War (8-9-2022)
- Episode 30: Revolutionary Worlds: Local Perspectives and Dynamics during the Indonesian Independence War, 1945-49 (6-2-2023)
- Episode 35: Between lines and lives: using ego-documents to study war and violence (8-9-2023)
Overview of all episodes
The NIOD Rewind podcast has been on air since 2019 and was created by Anne van Mourik and Thijs Bouwknegt. Check out an overview of all episodes below.
Season 5 NIOD Rewind Podcast
- Episode 39: The Paradoxes of Fascist Internationalism (5-7-2024)
- Episode 38: Expelled from Care: the Dutch Mental Health System During World War II (24-5-2024)
- Episode 37: Navigating field research in conflict-affected societies: constraints and opportunities (12-3-2024)
- Episode 36: Between lines and lives: using ego-documents to study war and violence (30-1-2024)
- Episode 35: "Visual Narratives of Catastrophe": Thinking Photography and the Holocaust (8-9-2023)
Season 4 NIOD Rewind Podcast
- Episode 34: The Last Ghetto: An Everyday History of Theresienstadt (30-5-2023)
- Episode 33: 'Het leven in al zijn facetten': Dagboekfragmenten uit de Tweede Wereldoorloog. (14-4-2023)
- Episode 32: Voices That Matter: Kurdish Women at the Limits of Representation in Contemporary Turkey (23-3-2023)
- Episode 31: Between Community and Collaboration: 'Jewish Councils' in Western Europe under Nazi Occupation (24-2-2023)
- Episode 30: Revolutionary Worlds: Local Perspectives and Dynamics during the Indonesian Independence War, 1945-49 (6-2-2023)
- Episode 29: History under attack: The Battle for Memory in Today's Russia (18-1-2023)
- Episode 28: Heritages of Hunger: Memory is the Past made Present (24-11-2022)
- Episode 27: Why Humans Fight: The Social Dynamics of Close-Range Violence (4-11-2022)
- Episode 26: Bones of Contention: the Vietnam-American War (6-9-2022)
- Episode 25: What is 'Violence'? Debates and Directions (29-08-2022)
Season 3 NIOD Rewind Podcast
- Episode 24: ‘Alles wat onze kleinkinderen zullen leren’: In de archieven van het NIOD (30-05-2022)
- Episode 23: At Home in Our Sounds: Music, Race and Cultural Politics in Interwar Paris (11-5-2022)
- Episode 22: Born under a bad sign: The indelible Marks of Total War on Twentieth Century Lives (11-04-2022)
- Episode 21: Dynamics Of Violence In West Germany And The Netherlands (23-03-2022)
- Episode 20: Preparing for War: The Making of the Geneva Conventions (28-02-2022)
- Episode 19: Political Apologies across Cultures (21-02-2022)
Season 2 NIOD Rewind Podcast
- Episode 18: Global War, Global Catastrophe (19-11-2021)
- Episode 17: Fighting Hunger, Dealing with Shortage in WWII (19-10-2021)
- Episode 16: Aan tafel met Frank van Vree en Martijn Eickhoff (20-09-2021)
- Episode 15: Forced Disappearances Under Apartheid (10-05-2021)
- Episode 14: The Problems Of Genocide (21-04-2021)
- Episode 13: What are the next Big Topics in War and Genocide Research? (01-04-2021)
- Episode 12: WWII through Digital Gaming (15-03-2021)
Season 1 NIOD Rewind Podcast
- Episode 11: 'Fighters across Frontiers' (with Ismee Tames en Robert Gildea) (09-11-2020)
- Episode 10: 'Microdynamics of late colonial violence' (with Roel Frakking) (31-08-2020)
- Episode 9: Kerstin von Lingen (30-06-2020)
- Episode 8: Iva Vukušić (18-05-2020)
- Episode 7: Peter Romijn (14-04-2020)
- Episode 6: Ingrid de Zwarte (31-03-2020)
- Episode 5: Farabi Fakih (26-02-2020)
- Episode 4: Negotiating Displacement (Special) (13-02-2020)
- Episode 3: Natalya Vince (22-01-2020)
- Episode 2: Wim Manuhutu (17-12-2019)
- Episode 1: Kees Ribbens (13-11-2019)
Special series: Onzekere Tijden
In this special series of the NIOD Rewind podcast, NIOD researchers discuss the corona crisis and the uncertain times it brought. How do they experience the crisis themselves? And how, from the perspective of their research, do they analyse events in society? A special series in Dutch by: Anne van Mourik, Thijs Bouwknegt and Anne-Lise Bobeldijk.
- Onzekere Tijden - Episode 4 Frank van Vree (08-05-2020)
- Onzekere Tijden - Episode 3 Ralf Futselaar (28-04-2020)
- Onzekere Tijden - Episode 2 Uğur Ümit Üngör (07-04-2020)
- Onzekere Tijden - Episode 1 Ismee Tames (26-03-2020)