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Reproductions of collection items

Under certain conditions, it is possible to make or order reproductions of items from our collection. There may be costs involved.

Copying and photographing books and magazines

  • Visitors may copy and photograph published material without permission, with the exception of vulnerable material. 

Copying and scanning archive material

  • Archive documents may only be scanned and copied by NIOD employees.
  • Copying and scanning of archive documents requires permission from a reading room employee. This depends, among other things, on the condition of the document, the Archives Act and the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Depending on the number of copies or scans you wish to have made and the availability of the employee, this can be done on the same day or by appointment.

The guidelines and conditions for photographing archive material

  • The use of (digital) cameras, smartphones or tablets to photograph archive documents is only allowed after permission has been granted by the NIOD staff member present. This depends, among other things, on the material condition of the document, the Archives Act and the General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Taking photographs of archive material is only allowed on the designated repro table in the reading room. It is expressly forbidden to photograph the documents on your own table or in any other room.

Cost of reproductions

A fee is charged for making and sending photocopies and scans.

The cost of photocopies for books and magazines:

You can make photocopies of books and journals in the Reading Room free of charge.

The costs of archive copies and archive scans

€ 0.50 per reproduction

At NIOD’s reception you can only pay by PIN.



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Herengracht 380
1016 CJ Amsterdam
020 52 33 800
Opening hours reading room
  • Tue - Fri09:00 - 17:30 u
  • Closed on Mondays